Local Coordinators do more than just supervise. They create activities, engage with their students, and foster a sense of community not only amongst the students themselves, but with the greater local community. Long-time AYA LC Dina B. is a prime example. One of her students … [Read more...]
AYA Local Coordinator Appreciation Week: Meet Kelli from North Carolina!
AYA students are blessed to have Local Coordinators who genuinely care about their well-being and want to make sure they have a fun, rewarding experience in the United States. They are role models for their students and exemplify what it means to be accepting, giving and an … [Read more...]
AYA Local Coordinator Appreciation Week: Meet Marilu from Texas!
Up next for LC Appreciation Week is Maria from Texas, just outside of Dallas! "Marilu," as her students call her, is an important part of their experience in the U.S. We hope you'll enjoy reading the kind words they have to say about her and how much of an impact she's made on … [Read more...]
AYA Local Coordinator Appreciation Week: Meet Cindy from Missouri!
Local Coordinator Appreciation Week is underway! Say hello to Cindy J., an Academic Year in America LC from the Kansas City area! We hope you'll enjoy the heartfelt words one of her students had to say about her and why she feels Cindy is an asset to her time in the … [Read more...]
AYA Local Coordinator Appreciation Week: Meet Regenia from Ohio!
It's Local Coordinator (LC) Appreciation Week! We are so thankful for each and every LC who gives their all to Academic Year in America and our students. Over the next two weeks, we'll be highlighting some of these amazing, generous and compassionate individuals from the … [Read more...]
Giving Back: Train of Hope Refugee Center in Vienna
In the spirit of being thankful this month at AYA, we are very thankful for all those who contributed and participated at the Train of Hope donation center in Vienna during our annual National Meeting in Austria. Train of Hope is an organization of independent volunteers who … [Read more...]