AYA students are blessed to have Local Coordinators who genuinely care about their well-being and want to make sure they have a fun, rewarding experience in the United States. They are role models for their students and exemplify what it means to be accepting, giving and an advocate for cultural exchange. Kelli J., from North Carolina, exemplifies these things. One of the students she supervises shares why, below.
My name is Bieta and my LC’s name is Kelli. We live in North Carolina. She is one of the most amazing women that I have ever gotten to know in my life. We always have fun together and she makes me happy even when I am upset. She makes me want to stay here and helps me out in every situation. We are really close, as close as I am to my host family.” – Bieta Kheirkhah, AYA student from Germany
Feelings like Bieta’s are not uncommon. We hear our students loud and clear when they say “We appreciate our Local Coordinator!” and we echo their sentiments wholeheartedly. Thanks to passionate LCs, like Kelli, we are one step closer to bringing the world together.
Click here if you or someone you know is interested in joining the AYA family as a Local Coordinator.
Interested in hosting a foreign exchange student like Bieta? Click here for more information!
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