Laura from Austria with her host family, the Gay Family, in Wisconsin. Every year, Academic Year in America (AYA) shares who the Host Family of the Year awardee is! After AYA international exchange students submit their nominations, we have to choose one incredible family out … [Read more...]
American High Schools Promote Cultural Exchange, Win Tony Cook Memorial Grants
10 Outstanding Schools Make Strides Towards Global Understanding We at Academic Year in America (AYA) are excited to announce that we – along with the American Institute For Foreign Study Foundation – have awarded 10 American high schools with 2019 Tony Cook Memorial … [Read more...]
Prom Across America: Exchange Students Reflect on Experience
It's prom season! This high school tradition is a fun time of celebration for students across the country. Attending prom is a very special opportunity for AYA students. It's an exciting time with friends and classmates, but it's also a great cultural experience. Although it's a … [Read more...]