We are so excited to shine a spotlight on one of our outstanding exchange students who has truly embodied the spirit of learning, growth, and cultural exchange. Meet exchange student Emilie, who is originally from Germany. Emilie has truly embraced new experiences, fostered … [Read more...]
American High Schools Promote Cultural Exchange, Win Tony Cook Memorial Grants
10 Outstanding Schools Make Strides Towards Global Understanding We at Academic Year in America (AYA) are excited to announce that we – along with the American Institute For Foreign Study Foundation – have awarded 10 American high schools with 2019 Tony Cook Memorial … [Read more...]
Exchange Students Shatter Stereotypes, Pave Path Towards Peace in North Carolina
Hosting with Academic Year in America (AYA) helps break stereotypes – not just for Americans, but also among international exchange students. Living with host families in North Carolina, exchange students Mikayel from Armenia and Aslihan from Turkey (pictured above) were … [Read more...]
From Local Coordinator to International Mother Part Two: A Family Reunion
On Thanksgiving week, people across the USA travel near and far to reunite with loved ones. For Academic Year in America (AYA) host mom and Local Coordinator Melissa, though, a family reunion came a bit early this year. After hosting exchange student Sanna from Germany, Melissa … [Read more...]
From Local Coordinator to International Mother: An AYA Host Mom’s Reflection
A mother of four kids under age 10, Melissa, a Local Coordinator from North Carolina, was initially nervous about hosting a high school exchange student with Academic Year in America (AYA). Before long though, her German exchange student, Sanna, became family. While saying … [Read more...]
Reflecting and Goal-Setting: AYA Students at Mid-Year Orientation
Government sponsored students are required to participate in a Mid-Year Orientation and AYA is pleased to be able to offer our students the opportunity to attend a group orientation. The AYA Mid-Year Orientation provides invaluable cultural education and student support during … [Read more...]