This month we asked our team at the National Office to nominate LCs who have stood out and really shined as a LC. Regenia, a Local Coordinator from Ohio, came in with a strong vote.
Regenia has been with AYA since 2012 as a host family and Local Coordinator. She’s dedicated to spreading the word about AYA and always thinking outside the box to find creative solutions to share our mission of bringing the world together. Check out her video she produced to promote our program, here!
Regional Director, Pieter shared with us why he nominated her.
I’m proud to nominate Regenia as she has gone above and beyond in finding homes for our kids throughout the years as a Local Coordinator. Her dedication and motivation to place students is truly admirable. She’s a great teammate and we are happy to have her a part of our mission, to bring the world together!
AYA is looking forward to another great year with Regenia! Are you interested in becoming a host family or Local Coordinator? Find out more of the benefits of joining the AYA team, here!
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