Lalu, a former AYA student from Indonesia on the YES program, submitted the following story about inviting local Boy Scouts to an International Education event. Lalu and fellow exchange students prepared foods, talked about their native countries and presented topics for … [Read more...]
YES Student Keeps an Open Mind
Here's a great example of how an open mind and willingness to explore life outside of your comfort zone can yield wonderful results to overcome culture shock and make real connections with people that seem so different on the surface. The following submission from Daniel, a YES … [Read more...]
FLEX & YES Students Share AYA Memories
The FLEX and YES grants, provided by the Department of State, enable students from all over the world to study, volunteer and experience America. These students are extremely bright, talented and hardworking. They are wonderful additions to host families and high schools across … [Read more...]
Exchange Students Take Action for Prom Safety
Getting dressed up for prom and sharing this special event with classmates should be nothing but a time of joy. Sadly, teenage drinking and texting while driving continues to cast a shadow on what should be a grand celebration. This is an unfortunate reality of life across … [Read more...]
AYA Student Gives Back to Her Community!
Zainab is an AYA exchange student from Pakistan through our partnership with the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program (YES). She is an eager, helpful and compassionate student that lives in Ohio with her host family, the Schneiders and their two children. She recently … [Read more...]
What Do 8 Different Countries Have To Say About Halloween?
With Halloween right around the corner, we wanted to know what our exchange students thought about Halloween. We asked them four different questions: … [Read more...]