At the end of each school year, Academic Year in America (AYA) international high school exchange students and their Local Coordinators across the United States take the time to nominate host families for the honor of AYA Host Family of the Year. In addition to a sincere … [Read more...]
Introducing the AYA Host Family of the Year for 2018-19
Congratulations to the Hammond Family from Illinois! At the end of every school year, Academic Year in America (AYA) international high school exchange students and their Local Coordinators across the United States take the time to nominate host families for the honor of AYA … [Read more...]
AYA Host Family of the Year 2018-19 Runner-Up: The Gay Family
Laura from Austria with her host family, the Gay Family, in Wisconsin. Every year, Academic Year in America (AYA) shares who the Host Family of the Year awardee is! After AYA international exchange students submit their nominations, we have to choose one incredible family out … [Read more...]
AYA Host Family of the Year 2018-19 Runner-Up: The Hart Family
Marie from Germany with her host family, the Hart Family, in Montana. Each year, we are so excited to share the Academic Year in America (AYA) Host Family of the Year! Many wonderful host families are nominated each year by their international exchange students, and this year … [Read more...]
AYA Host Family of the Year 2018-19 Runner-Up: The DeBouver Family
Emily from Germany with her host family, the DeBouvers, in front of the Christmas tree in Ohio. Each and every year, Academic Year in America (AYA) announces the Host Family of the Year after its many international exchange students submit nominations for their host family! … [Read more...]
AYA Host Family of the Year 2018-19 Runner-Up: The Wenslow Family
Ludwig from Germany with the Wenslow Family visiting the White House in Washington, D.C. Every academic year, we are thrilled to share the Academic Year in America (AYA) Host Family of the Year! Many wonderful host families are nominated each year by their international … [Read more...]