Despite the tears from missing her two host daughters, Laura and Parn, Tina shares how she is a very happy host mom.
I have spent the last ten months building a relationship with two girls I hosted as exchange students. I never imagined that I would get as attached to them as I have; they are now, and always will be, my kids. I knew all along that they would go back to their families and respective countries, but I never imagined how difficult that would be. Saying goodbye to these beautiful, young women has brought me to tears on multiple occasions since their departure.
But as I sit here, mourning their absence with the dogs, I realize what a special and rewarding experience it has been. I watched them transform from children to young adults. I believe these two go forward in life with a new perspective, and I honestly believe they can change the world. I’m extremely happy to continue as an additional support system in America and look forward to seeing what their futures hold.
I love you Laura and Parn! Can’t wait to see you again, but until then and always, I hope you are happy and find joy in all things. 💕💕💕
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KJ says
Hello Tina,
Love your story. You make positive impacts to young people’s lives. Would you be a host mom again ?
AYA says
Hi KJ – thanks for asking! We reached out to Tina with your question, and she provided the following response:
“I will definitely host again; it was such a rewarding experience. No hosting is without difficulties, but working through them creates such magnificent bonds and life lessons.”