Congratulations Laurie!
Laurie is a Local Coordinator and Host Mom from Missouri. She has been a part of the AYA program for over a decade and has continuously been an amazing support system for her students and an advocate for the AYA program.
Her student Anna from Russia shares with us why she nominated Laurie to be our LC of the month.
Laurie is very supportive and always full of great advice. She has certainly made my exchange year more meaningful by encouraging me to volunteer and get involved with my community. She also gives back by organizing events and mini excursions for her exchange students to explore the U.S. and meet other students. This is always a great time to learn new things about America’s culture and having fun while you do it!
Want to give back to your community? Learn more about the benefits of bringing the world to your community through cultural exchange, here. Interested in becoming a Local Coordinator, learn more here.
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