Academic Year in America is a non-profit organization sponsored by the American Institute For Foreign Study (AIFS) Foundation. In memory of Tony Cook, a former trustee of the AIFS Foundation, several grants are awarded annually to American high schools from the Foundation. Tony Cook Memorial Grants assist the development of educational initiatives supporting cultural exchange and the ideals of international understanding.
Each year, efforts to support cultural exchange are rewarded with stories of family, friendship and community bonds that develop between AYA students and their host communities. It is inspiring to hear back from participants that preconceptions were challenged, misconceptions were corrected and minds were opened as part of the process. These benefits of AYA exchange depend a great deal on the support and cooperation of high schools across the country.
This year, we are excited to share that ten high schools received Tony Cook Memorial Grants of $1,000 for their commitment to intercultural education:
- Rossville High School, Rossville, Kansas
- J. M. Atherton High School, Louisville, Kentucky
- Ubly High School, Ubly, Michigan
- Joplin High School, Joplin, Missouri
- McCluer Senior High School, Florissant, Missouri
- Lincoln Southeast, Lincoln, Nebraska
- Jasper-Troupsburg Central School, Jasper, New York
- South Florence High School, Florence, South Carolina
- West Florence High School, Florence, South Carolina
- Ellsworth High School, Ellsworth, Wisconsin

All schools participating with Academic Year in America are invited to apply for a Tony Cook Memorial Grant. Applicants must outline an international project or program such as a cultural fair or purchase of foreign language materials for students to demonstrate support for international education and understanding.
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