We are very aware of how awesome our Local Coordinators are: the heart, energy, organization and attention to detail they put into making sure AYA students and host families have wonderful, memorable experiences do not go unnoticed. We are extremely grateful for the role LCs play in making high school exchange with AYA possible.
Happily, we are not alone in our appreciation. We recently heard from Anjeza Borova, an AYA student from Albania living in Texas. She emailed us the following with the request to please share. After reading Anjeza’s beautiful words honoring the commitment of her LC, Cindy, and LCs nationwide, we’re happy to comply!
My name is Anjeza Borova. I am an exchange student from Albania placed in Brownsville, Texas. I have been truly blessed to be part of an amazing host family and a wonderful community.
During my exchange year, I must say I had quite a few people that made themselves unforgettable in my memory. One of them is my Local Coordinator, Cindy. A few days ago, I received a certificate for accomplishing 100 hours of community service. I was really happy, and I thanked Cindy — but she told me that I didn’t have to thank her, because it was all me. At this moment I realized how much my local coordinator had done for me, and how she never asked for anything in return.
If I could have a chance to change something about my exchange year, I would just try to thank her for everything she ever did. So since it’s time for the new exchange students to come, I would advise each and every one of them to appreciate the effort and everything that Local Coordinators will do for them.
This #CindyAppreciationPost is not enough for me to describe how thankful I am, but at least I am glad that my presence here as an exchange student made her a little more happy during her humble mission of being a Local Coordinator.
It is so wonderful to hear feedback about our LCs — and a nice reminder to simply say thank you. Thanks for the email, Anjeza & thank you to all of our Local Coordinators! The great work you do helps so many people and is so important to the success of our exchange programs. As a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization, we simply cannot thank you enough. Kudos for being such fantastic people!!
If you are an AYA student or host family and would like to show your appreciation or share a special memory of your Local Coordinator, please send us an email or leave a reply!
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