AYA exchange students receive a lot of support from Local Coordinators during their year in the U.S. These caring individuals work hard to help students and host families make meaningful connections and enjoy their participation in international high school exchange.
In honor of Valentine’s Day week, here are some wonderful messages several of our students shared to show their appreciation for everything that their Local Coordinators have done for them.

To: Stephanie B. in Colorado
My LC is Stephanie in Brighton, Colorado. She is awesome because she drives me three times a week to school and is always there for me when I need her. She really wants to be part of my exchange.
I liked all the moments with my LC but Thanksgiving was beautiful. I love her because she is not only an LC she is like a friend, she is really part of my exchange and I want to keep in touch with her after it.
Luisa from Germany
To: Terri R. in New York
My LC is Terri❤ She is an amazing person I’ve ever met. I feel that she is my friend more than LC. When I met her first, I understand in her face that she is very good (awesome) person. Every time when I talk with her I feel very confident. Every time she is trying to do something for us. I’m very thankful for her. I can’t describe with words😙 I just love and respect her 💕
Madina, your daughter from Kyrgyzstan 😇☺
To: Lauren R. in Texas
I want to thank my Local Coordinator Lauren because she’s always there for me and I love to spend time with her💕
She’s more like a big sister for me and I even have a key for her house! In January we went to yoga classes together and recently to the Women’s March in Fort Worth, TX. Next weekend we’re going to run the Cowtown Marathon (I’m gonna run the 5k and she’s gonna do the half-marathon). Lauren is insane when it comes to running/exercise and I don’t even know if she can just chill for a weekend and do nothing (I highly doubt it😂).
She’s an awesome person and I’ll definitely miss her a lot when I have to go back to Germany 🙁
Lara from Germany

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