Hosting an exchange student can have a major impact on American children – in the best way. When your family hosts an exchange student with Academic Year in America (AYA), your children gain an international sister or brother whom they can rely on, learn from, and grow with. In the same way, exchange students form invaluable bonds with American sisters or brothers.
Jess, an AYA exchange student from Germany hosted in Kansas, describes her experience as an international sibling below:
“I love to be an international sibling! I learned a lot in America in general and my host mom and host sister have contributed a lot. I learned to be more confident and to be responsible. I also learned to be even more sociable and to talk to a lot more people, because we are really open-minded in my host family.

I taught [my host sister] what it’s like to have a sister and to share things, because she doesn’t have siblings here. I loved this role a lot and I love to be her sister. We support each other in school and also in sports.
I played volleyball in summer, bowling in the winter, and now I am a member of the swimming team. My host sister plays volleyball in the club. We always went to the games and meets of the other one and supported each other. We both love volleyball and often play at home in our backyard.

I’ve also learned not to take everything too seriously, even if we sometimes argue – that’s what happens between siblings. She has also helped me a lot to improve my English skills. With every little conversation my English has grown, and of course I taught her a bit of German. We always have so much fun and we love to hang out.
We learn so much from each other – we have always fun and new crazy ideas.
There are millions of amazing stories and memories we share, and we will never forget. We will be family forever, and that’s so awesome!”
Give an exchange student – and your own children – the priceless gift of an international sibling! Learn more about hosting an exchange student with Academic Year in America (AYA).

That is awesome how you both learned and taught each other things and grew from each other in such a positive way! What a great experience for you both!