Saying goodbye at the end of an exchange term can be very emotional. As much as we’re all excited for what will come next, it’s hard to go from seeing someone every day to living apart in different countries. As the end of school approaches, many of us are making promises and hoping with all of our hearts that our upcoming goodbyes will really mean “see you soon.”
With this in mind, here’s a touching goodbye from Sharib, a YES student from the Philippines with Academic Year in America, wrapping up his high school exchange year in Ohio:
American high school no more. Today is my last day of school. It’s really amazing how fast the time went by. It seems that my first day was just yesterday. I can still remember when I asked someone to help me open my locker and the moment I got lost in the building because I didn’t know where to find my 10th period class.
And here I am today, bidding my good bye to my counselor, teachers and classmates. It’s such a bittersweet day for me though. I’m not yet leaving, but the fact that today is the last time I’m going to see everybody at school kind of made me sad. 😢
I would like to thank Hubbard High School for having me. It’s such a pleasure to be your exchange student, and I really had a good time. To the people who made my American high school experience memorable, thank you so much! ❤
See you soon my “Kano” friends. I will miss y’all.
As you make your goodbyes at the end of your exchange term, be sure to make a pledge to stay in touch. With technology these days, it’s easier than ever! Over the years, you’ll watch your relationships shift and develop in ways that will continue to be rewarding long into the future. In this way, your exchange experience never really has to end. Best wishes to all!
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