Like many AYA students at this time of year, Sophie, an exchange student from Germany, has reached the milestone of her first 100 days in the United States. Sophie writes a blog (in German) about her high school exchange experience and was kind enough to provide the following translation of her entry about the first 100 days:
I can’t believe it; I have been in the U.S. now for 100 days!
The time goes by so incredibly fast, and I have the feeling I’m already running out of time. Until this afternoon, I honestly didn’t even know that today is my 100th day here, but a girl with whom I arrived in New York posted a picture and wrote that she is now 100 days here. At school, I had to hold a speech today, and I talked about how I came to the U.S. and why, so that adds pretty well.
It is so weird. On one hand, it is already Christmas, and half of my year is over, but on the other hand, it feels like I’ve been here my entire life. If you are an exchange student you probably understand what I’m talking about, but also my host parents and siblings say it feels like I’ve always been here.
Since I only have a very light accent, people often forget that I am not an American, which is sometimes very funny. For example, I am the best in my History class, and sometimes people ask me how to spell certain words!
The last 100 days were just unbelievable. I have no idea how to put it into words! I have already experienced so much, learned a lot and made so many great experiences. I was in five different states (New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, North Carolina and South Carolina) and met so many new people. Today I looked at the last photos of my friends, family and me at the airport, but I hardly recognize myself. In the time that I’ve been here, I already changed so much. I realize that I’m so much happier and more positive, grown up and open, and my character extremely developed.
I cannot think of a moment that I have not enjoyed being here or in which I have wished not to be here. I appreciate it so much to have this opportunity (a very big thank you to my parents!) and a best friend, who I can always talk to and who always supports me!
Thanks for sharing what your experience has been like so far, Sophie!
Great host families are vital to the success of high school exchange. If you have room in your heart and space in your home to host a student like Sophie, please email or call 800-322-4678 to learn more.
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